Monday, February 20, 2012

my problem also not solved yet

Upper case sentece in normal case sentence? Did you already had a post in the forum here ? If yes, please link your original post in your bumping post. If you just do an edit in your post adding a thread, this post will climb at the top of the forum. But that explanation noone could get what your problem is.

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.


Not to mention if this is the post:

There is an answer from Kewin for you to reply to.



There is one very good tool for doing that things and that is microsoft word

do this. Open microsoft word. type the following word. "THE QUICK BROWN FOX".

highlight the sentece that you typed. then press ALT+O/E/S or goto the

"Format Menu" of MS word then click "Change case". you have a variety of solution.

uppercase, lower case. sentence case and title case.

to convert the database entire database you must write a VB or C# -msword automation program that extract the data, convert the data to the desired case uisng automation and then save it back to SQL server.

for more information search the web for MSWORD automation

|||Of course you have to figure out what to do with exceptions such as O'Malley, acronyms, any sort of name and a variety of other things. There isn't a routine for doing this simply because there are a virtually unlimited set of exceptions to "proper casing" something.|||

Michael Hotek wrote:

Of course you have to figure out what to do with exceptions such as O'Malley, acronyms, any sort of name and a variety of other things. There isn't a routine for doing this simply because there are a virtually unlimited set of exceptions to "proper casing" something.

Thats what he was told in the other thread also...

But I guess thats not what he wants to hear. He wants to convert a whole lot of CV text into propper cases, and the input is "only" uppercase. But i think the Word solution mentioned here is one of the best aproaches. (At least for a start... The result would still have to be proof read/edited) But if you want the text converted "correctly" you wont get around using a -human-.

If you need to get that stuff converted, then think about calling "Manpower" (Yes.... Shamless advertising here) and ask them for a quote. Let your supiriors know what it will cost and then you will have some free time while they think if they really want this. Also mention that your salaery is (or at least should be) much higher so you wont be the one forced to do the dataentry.

P.s.: My capitalisation sucks since this is only a 2nd language ;)

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